Press Release Summary = The North Yorkshire NLP group is to be relaunched in Northalleton begining 18:30 @ the Sundial Hotel in Northallerton
Press Release Body = Would you like to be able to communicate more effectively?
Would you like to consistently get more of what you want in life?
Would you like to practise your NLP skills in a friendly and fun environment?
Are you in the North Yorkshire area?
If so you may well be delighted to discover that the North Yorkshire NLP Practise group is to be re-launched after the old group was moved to Newcastle 2 yrs ago.
The group will be held on the 4th Wednesday of each month, with the first meeting to be held Wed 24th Jan 2007.
The focus will be on practical application with lots of group work and practical exercise to ensure you integrate the skills at a very deep level - just where you need them :o)
The group will be led an sponsored by Anth Quinn of Empirical Coaching, and Alan Johnson of Train of Thought and was formed following the recognition that too many people were undergoing NLP training and then finding that they \"lost\" their skills through not using them in the real world. NLP is a practical skills and like all practical skills is best learnt and integrated experientially. So if you are feeling a bit rusty and would like to freshen up your skills, or are a little curious about what NLP is and how it can help you in life. Get in touch and come and see what its all about,
Anth is an International Personal Empowerment Coach, and has worked with people from as far a field as the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and Namibia and of course the UK and NLP Master Practitioner specialising in empowering people to take control of their lives
Alan is an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer who specialises in enabling people in the caring professions to be more effective in their jobs and lives.
So you can be sure the training with be fun and practical.